7 Reasons why Everyone Can Benefit from Viewing Instagram Stories
Instagram stories are one of the best ways to boost engagement on your account, but even if you don’t have an Instagram account, you can still benefit from viewing others’ stories. From personal accounts to brand pages, there are so many great things that can be gained by taking a few minutes to view on your instagram stories each day. Here are 7 reasons why everyone can benefit from viewing Instagram stories.
1. Keep Up with Friends and Family
Subscribing to your friends and family members’ stories is a great way to stay in touch without having long conversations or texting back and forth all day. With one simple tap, you can get caught up with what they’ve been doing and see how their lives are going. Plus, it’s always fun to comment and react directly to their posts!
2. Get Inspired By Creatives
Whether you want to learn something new or just get inspired by someone else’s creative talents, there is plenty of content that creatives share daily via their Instagram stories. From travel bloggers showing off their latest adventures to photographers sharing tips for taking better pictures, finding great content that will leave you feeling inspired and energized doesn’t take much effort.
3. Discover New Brands and Products
Many brands use their Instagram story feature to effectively showcase their newest products or services in a visually appealing way. Even if you are looking for something other than something specific at the moment, it’s worth checking out some of these brand pages since they may provide useful information about potential purchases in the future! Plus, many brands often run exclusive offers just for viewers who watch their stories – so keep your eyes peeled!
4. Gain Industry Knowledge
It’s no secret that many industry experts turn to social media platforms like Instagram when it comes time to share knowledge or updates about current trends and events in the field. Whether you’re interested in marketing strategies or finance news – chances are someone has already created an informative story about it! All it takes is a quick search through relevant hashtags or accounts related to your area of expertise (or curiosity!) and soon enough you’ll have access to valuable industry insights at your fingertips.
5. Stay Up To Date On Events
It’s easy for all of us to miss out on important events happening around town, especially if we don’t check our calendars regularly – but with InstaStories, this should be less of a problem! Many local businesses (such as restaurants or bars) use their Stories as a platform to let customers know about upcoming promotions or special offers – so don’t miss out by subscribing now! Plus, catching up on event details before you go makes for a smoother experience anyway.
6. Network with other professionals
Networking is essential no matter what stage of life you’re at – whether you’re trying to break into the professional world after graduating from university or you’ve just changed fields mid-career, making connections with other professionals can open up new opportunities down the line! Follow accounts specifically related to networking, such as @networkingforprofessionals, where users post helpful advice on interview/application processes, as well as introductions/recommendations between people who may be looking for similar positions/clients, etc.